Friday, January 13, 2012

A new Sober pill

Supposedly scientist have been working on a new pill that some have called the sober or sobriety pill. It's a tweak on an old drug called naloxone which is used on people who have overdosed on heroin. This pill would make you instantly sober after a night of drinking and leave you with no hangover. This would be a must have for and partiers who often have a few too many drinks. Just imagine, it would be great to be able to go out to a bar for some drinks with no worries about how your getting home. Just pop the pill when your done and your good to drive! If your a guy and your out with a lady friend getting a few drinks in hopes of possibly getting lucky then you may wish this drug had never been invented. One pop of the pill and you go from being an 8 or a 9 back to a 5 or 6.
As reported in the Telegraph 

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