Sunday, July 31, 2011

Irish American scientist is creating new lifeforms

The first public interaction between aliens and humans may not come across in a scratchy signal from space nor in a space shuttle kidnapping.

Captivated by the mystery surrounding extraterrestrial life, Irish American scientist  Gerald F. Joyce  at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego has been attempting to create simple life forms in his lab by engineering types of RNA to ultimately discover where we, as humans, originated from.

His work has drawn widespread attention including an article on The New York Times front page on Thursday.
Dr. Joyce stated  “It drives me crazy when astronomers say, ‘Surely the universe is pregnant with life.’ If we have an Earthlike planet, what are the chances of life arising? Is it one in a million? Is it one in two? I don’t see how you can say.”
He continued, “If you had a second example of life, even if it were synthetic, you might know better. I’m betting we’re just going to make it.”
Dr. Joyce and a graduate student, Tracey A. Lincoln,  evolved a molecule in a test tube that could replicate and evolve all by itself, The new York Tims wrote.
Joyce points out that neither RNA nor DNA is alive by itself, however in his test tube he created a molecule that was able to replicate itself.
Joyce says that's close to independent life, but there is still work to do. “We really would hope for more from our molecules than just replicating.”

At the institute, Joyce’s goal is to  “provide insight to how it began and how special life is or is not in the universe, as well as a clue for how to recognize life if and when we do stumble upon it out there among the stars,” he explained to  the NY Times.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mystery 'alien' block of ice found in Milovice forest, Czech Republic

The giant hailstone measures an impressive 2m in diameter, according to the Examiner, and a witness was able to take a video of the spectacle to pop up on YouTube.

Judging by the shakiness of the film, the witness presumably believes it really could be some form of UFO, a view seemingly supported by the news provider, which received a tip-off about it from the UFO Global Reporting Center.
The as-yet-unidentified block of ice seems to be lying in the middle of a dirt track or pathway in the forest and it has horizontal and vertical lines scratched into it - making it resemble somewhat of an igloo.
Perhaps the biggest mystery, aside from where it hails from, is that there are no signs of ice or snow elsewhere in the forest, which some would probably say gives credence to the idea it really did come from outer space.

Just last month, a video posted on YouTube appeared to show an unidentified flying object high up in the sky above London.
A person near the BBC building in west London filmed the phenomenon and posted the video on YouTube, claiming it showed an alien mother ship and its fleet circling over the capital.