Thursday, September 22, 2011

UFO sightings increase as do WikiLeaks 'UFO War' reports and call for ET truth

STONEFIELD BEACH, Ore. – President Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff has joined a growing list of influential people who want all world governments to come clean on still unexplained UFO phenomenon; while the European Union reported how “a massive fleet of UFO’s suddenly emerged,” back in 2004.

“It’s time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. The American people – and the people of the world – want to know, and they can handle the truth,” writes John Podesta in the foreword for “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials go on the Record.” Podesta served as the White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, and as co-chairman of the “Obama-Biden Transition Project” that focused on prevention and public health. Meanwhile, Julian Assange – the founder of the whistleblower internet platform “WikiLeaks” – made a Sept. 6 statement in Berlin that Wikileaks had posted “251,287 cables on its website Sept. 2,” that included some new UFO details.
Also, earlier this year, Assange spoke briefly “about the subject of UFOs,” on the London based “The Guardian” website, where he referenced these “secret UFO files” as part of “yet-to-be published parts of the cablegate archive.”
Meanwhile, the popular UFO sighting spot at Stonefield Beach – located along a picturesque stretch of the Oregon coast -- has been “over-run” by “people with telescopes,” say locals, due to the recent discovery of “600 new exoplanets” that strengthens views from both Oregon UFO “watchers” and astronomers that we are not alone.
Podesta joins other “credible” people who think once top-secret UFO files need to be released
“As someone interested in the question of UFOs, I think I have always understood the difference between fact and fiction,” writes Podesta in the foreword for Leslie Kean’s book “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials go on the Record.”
In turn, Podesta demands that “the time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue,” while citing how Kean “diligently contended with this perplexing subject for ten years while having to face attitudes of ridicule and denial within government. Yet she persevered, and her book clearly leaves the taboo against taking UFOs seriously with no leg to stand on.”
In turn, Oregon UFO “watchers” here at Stonefield Beach also note that “things are changing because of the recent discovers of new planets in our universe. We’re seeing people stop here to look at the heavens in the same way tourists stop to look at the whales. We now have the blue whales competing with UFO sightings at Stonefield, and that’s something we thought we’d never see in our lifetime. These are unusual and exciting times,” adds retired FAA expert Bruce Weinstein who joined the Oregon UFO “watchers” last year.
WikiLeaks UFO files still being review by ufologists and other experts
“We’re not sure at this point how many of the recently released WikiLeaks ‘251,287 cables’ are tied to UFO government secrets,” adds Weinstein. “But it’s clear that whatever Julian Assange has kept under wraps is of interest to a whole lot of people.”
In turn, the controversial Australian is still kept in exile in England where he makes “video calls from his house where he awaits sexual assault charges in Sweden,” reported the Guardian newspaper in London.
At the same time, Assange spoke via video link to fans at a Berlin technology trade show Sept. 6 about a mix-up in passwords to his encrypted WikiLeaks files, the Guardian reported.
It was on Dec. 13 of last year that the European Union newspaper – the EU Times – made world headlines by announcing that “WikiLeaks set to reveal US-UFO War in Southern Ocean.”
In turn, EU Times updated its story on Jan. 12, 2011 stating that “the first WikiLeaks’ cable mentioning UFOs would be released.”
“A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables details that the Americans have been ‘engaged’ since 2004 in a ‘war’ against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean,” reported the European Union Times.
“According to this report, the United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after a massive fleet of UFO’s ‘suddenly emerged’ from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have ‘dimensionally returned’ to their Southern Ocean ‘home base,’” the EU Times stated.
This report, referenced in the EU Times, goes on to state that "after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned last week that he would begin releasing secret US cables relating to these Southern Ocean UFO’s, and the Americans ‘war’ against them. In turn, Assange was immediately arrested by British Police on trumped up charges issued by the Swedish government.”
COMETA Report helped lead the way to outing UFO truth, says author
Leslie Kean’s book “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials go on the Record,” views the French government’s “COMETA” UFO documents as pointing out how “the extraterrestrial hypothesis is the most likely one to explain what we know.”
In brief, COMETA states that UFOs and alien beings are here now on Earth, and have been here for a long, long time. Moreover, there’s real threats from various “extraterrestrials” that are beyond the comprehension of man, and today’s technology.
Moreover, Kean points to a list of top world leaders and scientists – who’ve gone public in their belief of UFOs and alien life – must “accept the logic” and “disavow the untenable claim that we have no evidence other than eyewitness reports.”
“Given that we know we have a physical manifestation of something highly unusual of unknown origin, isn’t it time to acquire the additional evidence needed to find out what it is? If we need extraordinary evidence, then let’s do our job and go get it,” writes Kean of no better time than now for the world governments to come clean on what’s been kept secret about UFOs.
“And so a new slogan is in order: ‘An extraordinary phenomenon demands an extraordinary investigation,’ writes Kean. “The world’s scientists are entirely capable of devising the methodologies and manufacturing the technology needed to solve this extraordinary mystery of UFOs.”

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Irish American scientist is creating new lifeforms

The first public interaction between aliens and humans may not come across in a scratchy signal from space nor in a space shuttle kidnapping.

Captivated by the mystery surrounding extraterrestrial life, Irish American scientist  Gerald F. Joyce  at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego has been attempting to create simple life forms in his lab by engineering types of RNA to ultimately discover where we, as humans, originated from.

His work has drawn widespread attention including an article on The New York Times front page on Thursday.
Dr. Joyce stated  “It drives me crazy when astronomers say, ‘Surely the universe is pregnant with life.’ If we have an Earthlike planet, what are the chances of life arising? Is it one in a million? Is it one in two? I don’t see how you can say.”
He continued, “If you had a second example of life, even if it were synthetic, you might know better. I’m betting we’re just going to make it.”
Dr. Joyce and a graduate student, Tracey A. Lincoln,  evolved a molecule in a test tube that could replicate and evolve all by itself, The new York Tims wrote.
Joyce points out that neither RNA nor DNA is alive by itself, however in his test tube he created a molecule that was able to replicate itself.
Joyce says that's close to independent life, but there is still work to do. “We really would hope for more from our molecules than just replicating.”

At the institute, Joyce’s goal is to  “provide insight to how it began and how special life is or is not in the universe, as well as a clue for how to recognize life if and when we do stumble upon it out there among the stars,” he explained to  the NY Times.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mystery 'alien' block of ice found in Milovice forest, Czech Republic

The giant hailstone measures an impressive 2m in diameter, according to the Examiner, and a witness was able to take a video of the spectacle to pop up on YouTube.

Judging by the shakiness of the film, the witness presumably believes it really could be some form of UFO, a view seemingly supported by the news provider, which received a tip-off about it from the UFO Global Reporting Center.
The as-yet-unidentified block of ice seems to be lying in the middle of a dirt track or pathway in the forest and it has horizontal and vertical lines scratched into it - making it resemble somewhat of an igloo.
Perhaps the biggest mystery, aside from where it hails from, is that there are no signs of ice or snow elsewhere in the forest, which some would probably say gives credence to the idea it really did come from outer space.

Just last month, a video posted on YouTube appeared to show an unidentified flying object high up in the sky above London.
A person near the BBC building in west London filmed the phenomenon and posted the video on YouTube, claiming it showed an alien mother ship and its fleet circling over the capital.